Homeowner's Tips to Stormwater Management: Pet Waste

Stormwater Management: Pet Waste

Pet waste also contributes to pollutants in stormwater. Bacteria in the waste can be carried in to streams and lakes, which is dangerous to humans and other animals.  Dog waste has nearly twice the amount of bacteria as human waste. In addition, it acts as a fertilizer, which can lead to excessive aquatic plant growth and algae. This leads to an absorption of the oxygen in the water that is necessary for a healthy aquatic system and the survival of fish and other wildlife. 

What you can do:

-Pick up after your pet! Use a scooper or bag (biodegradable, if possible).

-Deposit the waste in the toilet, if possible, so that it is treated at a sewer plant-not down the storm drains!

-Another good option is to dig a small hole in your yard to deposit the waste in and cover it with leaves and soil so that it decomposes into the ground


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